via acicastello 77 – 卡塔尼亚 – 义大利 | || | ||
产业 > 建设。建筑材料。设施..专利, 应用 产业 > 金属,废旧,矿产,采矿..虚拟,全息图,3D, |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 瓦莱塔 (马耳他) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 布加勒斯特 (罗马尼亚) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 斯德哥尔摩 (瑞典) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 卡拉奇 (巴基斯坦) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 里斯本 (葡萄牙) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 巴黎 (法国的) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 伦敦 (赖诺工发组织) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 布拉格 (捷克共和国) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 新德里 (印) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 卢森堡 (卢森堡) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 索非亚 (保加利亚) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 哥本哈根 (丹麦) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 维尔纽斯 (立陶宛) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 塔林 (爱沙尼亚) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 维也纳 (奥地利) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 布达佩斯 (匈牙利) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 布拉迪斯拉发 (斯洛伐克) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 达卡 (孟加拉国) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 马累 (马尔代夫) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 吉隆坡 (马来西亚) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 罗马 (义大利) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 尼科西亚 (塞浦路斯) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 加德满都 (尼泊尔) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 赫尔辛基 (芬兰) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 卢布尔雅那 (斯洛文尼亚) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 马德里 (西班牙) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 都柏林 (爱尔兰) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 萨格勒布 (克罗地亚) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 雅典 (希腊) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 柏林 (德国) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 华沙 (波兰) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 布鲁塞尔 (比利时) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 里加 (拉脱维亚) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 阿姆斯特丹 (荷兰) |
奥斯陆 (挪威) - 科伦坡 (斯里兰卡) | 奥斯陆 (挪威) - 廷布 (不丹) |
Fratelli Lizzio s.r.l. is a Etna lava stone industry, is a well-established professional company nationally and internationally.
We can develop and create projects and products of the very highest quality using and working Etna lava stone in the best way possible.
Situated in Italy we extract the raw material directly from our lava quarry under strict safety conditions and with a high regard for the environment.
The following is a list of all of our products and work carried out: flooring in lava stone, town and street decoration, basalt (stone) roads, kerbing, paving and sidewalks in lava basalt, town squares in lava stone, nautical furbishing in lava stone both for commercial and tourist ports, yacht furnishing, raised flooring, banks, airports, design of public area, construction, ventilated building façades, ceramic lava stone, glazed and decorated classic and design interiors, and bathroom furnishing etc.
Also we are going to present our products and projects and I would you like to invite you and your company to visit us in our Factory, in Italy.
We produce daily some Standard products, just to give you an Idea, but I would like to inform you that we can realize all complete products that you need.
Also I would like to inform that when is needed, under request, we can present our Etna Basalt CE Certificate regarding chemical, physical and mechanical characteristics of our basalt.